Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to Finally Make a Profit Promoting Affiliate Products

The hardest thing with promoting affiliate products is that you have to figure out how to make a profit. Most people driving traffic to affiliate offers are not making any money and end up going out of business. I want to show you exactly how to finally make money from the traffic you drive to your affiliate offers.

Secret #1:

You first need to stay away from AdWords! This is a great way to make money & drive a lot of traffic to your site. But the problem is that it is very, very hard to make a profit when you are promoting someone else's product and only get a percentage of the sale.

A few years ago when pay per click costs were $0.04 a click, you could do it all day long & make a great profit. But now that so many people are doing affiliate marketing & the cost of AdWords has tripled, you will have a tough time cracking a profit.

Secret #2:

The second thing you must do is make sure you are building a newsletter list so you can promote multiple products to your traffic. This is a big mistake that most affiliate promoters make. They will drive the visitors straight to the affiliate offer and then they won't be able to sell other products.

Secret #3:

Make sure you focus only on one market until you have mastered that market and are getting a lot of traffic from all the sources on the Internet. Once you have mastered that market, then move onto AdWords and get traffic from this source.

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