Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to Blog - 4 Easy Steps Teaching You How to Blog

Blogging has become one of the most popular free internet marketing methods used today. Not only is it easy to publish content, but it also creates an instant and ongoing channel of dialogue with your audience. Plus, by using the right plug-ins, you can expand your search engine exposure and generate traffic from a growing number of keywords.

Today, I'm going to explain each step involved in creating your own blog. We'll focus on using WordPress because it is the most popular blogging platform and the easiest to work with.

Step #1: Install WordPress On Your Domain

There are two ways to install the WordPress blogging software on your website. The first method is the easiest, but requires that your website host provides access to the Fantastico module through cPanel.

Login to your cPanel and click the Fantastico icon. On the left side of the following screen, click the WordPress link (located under the "Blogs" section). Then, click "New Installation" on the right side.

On the following screen, you'll be asked to provide a number of details, such as your preferred location for your blog, username, password, and email address. Once you have provided this information, click the "Install WordPress" button.

The next screen will ask you to confirm the installation. Click the "Finish Installation" button.

If your host does not provide the Fantastico module through cPanel, visit WordPress to download their blogging software to your computer. Then, review WordPress's installation instructions to manually install the software to your website.

Step #2: Select A WordPress Theme

Even though the default installation includes a couple of simple themes, you'll probably want to upload a theme that has a more stylish or professional appearance. There are hundreds of thousands of free and paid WordPress themes online.

Once you find a theme that suits your preference, download it to your computer. Then, extract the files (they're typically batched in a .zip file) and upload them to your "/wp-content/themes" directory using an FTP client.

After you have uploaded the entire batch of files, login to your WordPress blog's admin panel. Select "Design" to view the uploaded theme. Then, activate it.

Step #3: Install Important Plugins

Plugins are batches of code that add new levels of functionality to your blog. Some are more popular than others. For example, the Akismet and All-In-One SEO Pack plugins are two of the most popular among dedicated bloggers. Installing them is similar to installing a WordPress theme.

Once you've chosen a plugin to install, download it to your computer. Extract the files from the .zip and FTP them to your "/wp-content/plugins" directory. Login to your admin panel and choose "Plugins" from your Dashboard. Then, locate the uploaded plugin and activate it.

Step #4: Start Blogging

Once you have installed the WordPress software along with your chosen theme and plugins, you can immediately begin blogging. Navigate to your login page at and click the "New Post" button. Once you've finished writing a post, click the "Publish" button. Your post will be available on your blog for your entire audience to enjoy.

Marketing through Blogging

Blogs will continue to be one of the most important online marketing strategies. They can play a key role in establishing your presence in your chosen market while building a loyal readership among your visitors. If harnessed correctly, they can be used to launch products, encourage your affiliates, and support your search engine optimization strategies.

Creating your own blog is simple, even if it seems intimidating at first. Use the steps I've described above to install WordPress onto your domain. Then, get started blogging. Once you do, you'll wonder why you waited so long.

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