Monday, September 14, 2009

Affiliate Marketing With the Big Boys

How many of you are really familiar with exactly how affiliate marketing works?

Let me use something like a real estate sales person as a comparison. How do they earn their money?

OK, I think you understand how it works-they connect a seller with a buyer and earn a commission when a sale completes. There's really nothing mysterious about it. It is a time honoured way of doing business.

And that is the same as how it works for sales affiliates, nothing mysterious at all.

The question I get asked most when someone is chatting with me about this, is "What do you sell?"

Now, this isn't exactly an easy question to answer because there really is no limit as to what you can promote. There are literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of offers out there which anyone can promote. But is there something particular that you should do yourself?

When I answer the question about what do I sell, I usually say something along the lines of "whatever I like". Naturally this draws a blank stare from my friend. So I have to offer an explanation of sorts.

Personally, I like to get involved with things that interest me. That way, when I go to promote a product I will have some knowledge about it, plus a real interest as well.

Let's get back to the big boys for a second. Did you know that you can deal with some of the biggest names out there and help promote their products and earn a commission? Yes, you can.

Let me drop a couple of hints here.

What name crops up when you think of a huge online retailer? What name do you think of as the biggest offline retailer? Where do you go online when you are searching for any kind of an oddball item?

OK, you got all three correct, well done. These are the biggest names out there.

As an affiliate, you can represent all of those and thousands more. Now you only need to learn how to do it.

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