Tuesday, August 18, 2009

EBook Writing - Three Easy Steps That Guides You to Write Your First Ebook

What if you discovered today in three basic steps to boost your profits by using e-book writing? Here are 3 simple steps to get you started.
Step 1 - Divide and conquer.
Step 2 - Strategize to increase your current clientele.
Step 3 - Develop sub product that can be sold separately.
Here are step by step details that you can apply quickly and easily.
Step 1 - Divide and conquer.
Segregate your work into smaller subtopics to make your whole project work simpler. Work on different topics separately. This may also allow you to give more time for the tougher parts while take it easy with the less complex portions of the e-books. We can also create our E-books in different formats to ensure that different type of users (online or offline) may be able to acquire them. Developing strategies to increase your clientele is important.
Step 2 - Strategize to increase your current clientele.
We may have a large client base but why not try and build more relations and expand our business. We must do research to try and find out why certain people have opted to stay away from our product. If this is happening due to some of our mistakes then we should try and rectify these and on basis of this we can try and forge a relationship with these people too. Creating sub product for later sales can create bonus cash for us.
Step 3 - Develop sub product that can be sold separately.
We can always create different versions of our eBooks or create abstracts of the eBook and upload them on our website to be downloaded by our visitors. On the other hand we can even create updates which can be also sold separately each time. Plus you can also create new relations by using these same contacts developed by sales of our sub product.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, "Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide"

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