At Click Bank, they have what is called ''GRAVITY''. The amount of Gravity of a product, which is a number assigned to it represents the number of people promoting it that have sold at least one copy. With this number, you with have an idea of how popular the product is. A product with high gravity it is a good selling product.
At commission junction, we have statistics like earning per click (EPC), and Network Earnings to give you an idea of how much the product is selling. A product with high EPC and Network Earnings also suggest it is a good sellable products- if people are already selling it, you too!
At Amazon, you could actually search for top selling products in any product category and get a list of the top selling products in order of their sales.
Generally, you have statistics about the performance of products, such as the ones above, including their conversion rate, to gauge the selling potential of any product.
But, i must be quick to say that you shouldn't base your choice of product to promote solely on it's high sellable statistics that you got from the affiliate centers.
The reason is because if the product is top selling, the chance the competition would have built up so strong is there. For instance, if a lot of people are promoting it using PPC, the level of bidding keywords would have gone up,beyond what you can afford to compete favorable.
Those that started promoting it newly and have made lots of money from it can afford to bid very highly for its keyword, and therefore get more traffic to their sitew, and of course make more sales and more money. If you are just coming in you may find yourself caught in a fierce competition, and you may not have the money to face them eyeball to eyeball.
This is how many new comer to PPC game lose money. They find a top selling product at an affiliate center, and off thaey go to set up PPC campaign, without much understanding of how PPc works.
T o Be Continued!